Saturday, December 31, 2011
January the sweet beginning of a new year. The time when you kiss your loved one.this will be a cheese post but you will have to cope. Back to what I was saying.spending time with your family. Speaking of family I will go spend some time with my family
New years
Ok so when I first got my blog things might start sounding fumilur. But what does that matter! It's NEW YEARS. My goal is to start running so I get better on beep test and to start eating heathy and I will blog every day that's a promise and I keep my promises. Well as much as I love to stay and blog I got to go run!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Family fun
So.............every body in my family exept Trisha is home for Christmas it has been fun we all got what we wanted that was fun then I got into smallville again me and my sister Emily started working on my jump splits there not the best but I can't do it off the ground but it doesn't look the best. We went on a shopping trip my feet kill in pain well bed time for shore good night my fellow buddies
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
i now
i now it is not CHRISTMAS BUT i love it so much
i all ready rought my christmas list
- ipad 2
- money
- trip to paris or london
p.s my dad is taking my to london and paris
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Winnie the pooh

I was baby sitting some little kids and they want to watch Winnie the pooh
so i turned it on for them and we watched Winnie the pooh when it was almost
the end the littlest one was sitting by me and she sat on my lap and she
jumped because thunder crashed on the movie also because it was halloween
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
i just asked my mom and she said yes i was so happy
i called my best friend Spencer Crawford and we screamed
our heads of we where so happy spencer didn't believe me
she checked her facebook and she saw my friend request
she had to shes my best friend i would of tickled her to death
and she hates being tickled
(p.s. lindsey got a blog it is called miss ladybug)
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
last day of summer
its the last day of summer:(
its so so so so so so so so so so so so sad! but i need to
fill my brain with school things saddly im spelling easy
words wrong its terrible.
Monday, August 22, 2011
last night
last night me and sisters had a water balloon
fight and i got the biggest balloon dropped
on me
it was filled with cold water it was ice cold
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
it is so good. i have it with pickles
cucumbers, and other veggies. many
many veggies. and sososososososososo
much salt.
Monday, July 4, 2011
harry potter
Harry potter i love it! I am on book 5 i cant stand it.
My sister is on book 4 she started before me i think:}
My little sister is on book 2 she isn't reading it that
much. Well i need to go do some cleaning that my mom
needs me to do!
Friday, July 1, 2011
guess what
guess what i have had my blog for 1 year
isn't that so cool! so my 1st post was happy CANADA DAY!
so if you have done your math correctly HAPPY CANADA DAY
OH guess what again tehehe it is my blogs b-day it was made a year ago!
so i haven't been blogging every day i think you have noticed because
the last time i blogged was on JUNE 4 so sorry about that i have made blogging every day my goal! i will do it i promise!
good bye
Monday, June 6, 2011
I am trying
I am trying to blog EVERY day so more people can look at my blog. I NEED to blog every day it will help my typing skills so far i can type 16 words per a minute well take to you later!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
My sister put a CAN of pop in the freezer, then forgot about it .
She took it out of the freezer and put it in hot water, in 2 minutes it exploded.
PS I am sorry I haven't blogged in a month I just haven't had time!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I would of done this post on family week but i lost it.
I love family week i went to Utah and saw my sisters. The
next day we got to Arizona and now I am eating at organ
stop pizza. it is a place where you eat pizza and an organist
the organ. On Wednesday we are going to DISNEY LAND!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be awesome. I will ride on my favorite rides. Thunder mountain
is my favorite ride.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The King and I is such an awesome. Some of friends is in it
she is one of the princesses and the other one is a prince.
My best friends mom is in it. my mom directed some of
the play.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

At school i was walking across a bike rail
and I got across 6 times and the bell rang,
I was walking really fast and the pole was
slippery and i slipped and I heard a crack
sound. My BFF Spencer helped me get to
the teacher and a guy asked what was wrong
Spencer tolled him to go away. So he did I am
fine but I have all the symptoms of broken ribs well that is life for you
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
science fair
Science fair is coming and i have know ideas
i dont have a partner but its easer to not have a partner
well got to go
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